
<juicy-popover>is a (vanilla) Custom Element that expands an area when clicked on a handle.

It is flexible enough to be used to create dropdowns, combo boxes, tooltips, etc.

See README.md for docs

Sample combo box (automatic position)

Choose your favorite color:

Sample expandable menu

Expand on:

position="bottom left, bottom beforeright" (fallback positions separated by a comma)

Expand ▶
Expanded content

position="middle center"

Expand ▶
Expanded content

position="top beforeleft"

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Expanded content

position="beforetop center"

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Expanded content

position="top left"

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Expanded content

position="top right"

Expand ▶
Expanded content

position="beforetop beforeleft"

Expand ▶
Expanded content

position="beforetop left"

Expand ▶
Expanded content

position="beforetop right"

Expand ▶
Expanded content

position="bottom beforeleft"

Expand ▶
Expanded content

position="bottom left"

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Expanded content

position="bottom center"

Expand ▶
Expanded content

position="bottom right"

Expand ▶
Expanded content